A New Year, a new chapter in your life
We now live in such a fast paced rat race that very few of us actually take regular quality time out to rebalance our bodies and deeply relax.
In fact, did you know that according to British psychologist Dr. Richard Wiseman, the overall pace of life has increased by 10 percent worldwide since the 1990s. I suspect that the figure is much higher in some places, especially the inner cities.
One of my favourite quotations about health is from Gandhi, who said that “It is health which is real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver”. Indeed, it is not until your health starts to fail that most people start to frantically review their daily routines, life stresses and dietary choices. But surely your health is worth an investment right now? After all, health is more important than wealth. A rich person can afford various luxuries of life such as a big car, large house, fine accessories etc. but, without health, he is effectively a poor man.
So use this new year, the unblotted page in your 2016 book as a time to take a renewed look at your life and how you can make changes to everything that shapes your health with stress management and diet probably being the 2 most significant factors in determining your inner vitality.