Planning for a baby should be an exciting time in a person’s life. However, for many couples, trying to conceive can become an emotionally draining and a very stressful roller coaster experience.
It is widely accepted that conception is more likely to happen if both partners take time to nurture their health and overall emotional and physical well-being. It is so vital to reduce stress levels as these can wreak havoc with the body’s systems and the way they work together.
Did you know?
Stress releases cortisol which can cause the release of a hormone which reduces the production of follicle stimulating and luteinising hormones
So how can Fertility Reflexology help me?
Reflexology is an holistic therapy which is all about achieving equilibrium and harmony to the body, mind and soul. Reflexologists believe it to be effective at balancing hormones, increasing circulation and helping the body get rid of toxins.
It is a deeply relaxing treatment that promotes a sense of health and well-being. Many couples find the process of trying to conceive, a particularly stressful one. This is totally understandable, especially when some have had very traumatic experiences that bring an element of fear. Reflexology may help to soothe the mind and ease these stresses away.
Some couples may also experience fertility problems which could be as a result of issues with ovulation, medical conditions, sperm quality or sperm count, clotting disorders and many more.
Sometimes, there just does not seem to be any reason at all.
We have had clients who believe that their Reflexology treatments helped them achieve regular menstrual cycles and then they have successfully managed to get pregnant. All in all, the treatments have helped them to feel more calm, relaxed and positive in their quest to become parents.
How many treatments would be recommended?
This can vary from client to client, as everyone is an individual and it would also depend if there are any fertility issues. We would generally recommend regular, weekly treatments for a least the first 3 months to allow reflexology to rebalance and heal the body through reducing stress and profound relaxation.