Hot Stone Reflexology

Hot Stone Reflexology is a truly indulgent treatment which takes Reflexology to a new level, helping you feel more Relaxed, Rebalanced and Revitalised.

Warm stones have been used as a therapeutic tool for massage for centuries with evidence dating back as far as ancient Egypt and China. Ancient civilisations believed that hot stones cleansed the body and relaxed the heart, grounding the soul and soothing the mind… what a wonderful thought!

The stones relax the body at its deepest level, penetrating much deeper than thumb pressure, reaching around 7cm into tissues. They are effective at creating harmony and balance as well as improving energy flow. The subtle energies of stone introduced into a treatment:

  • promote the release & elimination of toxins;
  • boost immunity and the lymphatic function;
  • relieve tension in connective tissues;
  • reduce muscular tension which will help muscles to relax and repair more efficiently;
  • help to bring about homeostatis of body as well as mind.

It is estimated that one stroke of a hot stone is worth five strokes with the hand! It is also believed to yield five times deeper and five times longer lasting effects compared to a “normal” Reflexology treatment. The heat helps to relax the muscles in the feet allowing the therapist to work deeper into the reflex areas.

The hot stones used in the treatment are composed of basalt, a volcanic rock. They retain the heat and have been handpicked & naturally shaped and smoothed to give a deep and relaxing pampering treatment.

Here at Sleeping Beauty Therapies, stones are firstly used to massage the lower legs (below the knees) relieving any tension in the calf muscles and helping to enhance energy flow. Smaller stones are then used to work the reflex areas and points of the feet. The heat from the stones quickly opens the reflex pathways bringing about a much deeper level of relaxation than Reflexology alone. Sometimes, cold stones are used to awaken with their cooling revitalising temperature and grounding qualities and also helping with inflammation.

And of course, the temperature of the stones can be adjusted according to the needs and preference of the client. The stones are not transferred directly from the heater onto the skin and the stones are always cleansed between clients.

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“After just a few sessions I sleep for six or seven hours with no hot flushes!”


“Reflexology by Nicky felt like a lifeline after going through a miscarriage and losing hope.”


“You have changed my life Nicky and I will always be grateful for your extra time you gave me when I felt so low.”


“I am amazed at the results! I feel more energetic and my digestive issues have really improved.”


“I love my sessions with Nicky. She really does work miracles with my feet!”

About Nicky
Hot Stone Reflexology

I have been truly dedicated to and qualified in Reflexology and Massage and their amazing benefits since 2005.

Nicky muldoon

Reflexology Therapy

Contact us today to discover how reflexology can help you